Tuesday, December 17, 2013


One aspect of show choir that you have to get used to early in your show choir life is, having a partner or multiple partners. There are some songs or dances  were the choreographer chooses to not have partners either because it’s a song where just the boys are singing or just the girls are singing or it just makes sense with the choreography they have made for the song. But the majority of the time you get to have someone there to hold your hand or hold your waist or at the very least stand shoulder to shoulder with you.
                There are some times when having a partner is very necessary, like during a love song. It would be quite odd having boys and girls on stage dancing with themselves singing about how they are so in love with another person. I actually find it easier to dance with a partner then without one. But it’s also very awkward when you don’t really know the person and you have to act like you are desperately in love with them. My advice would be to get to know them. No, they don’t have to become your new boyfriend or even a good friend but if you feel comfortable saying hello in the hallways then you can be perfectly compatible dance partners.
                Of course there are times when you get pared with the one person in the whole group that you don’t really get along with. There are a few ways to react to this, by telling them that you didn’t want to be partners and have a bad relationship the rest of the year, just don’t say anything and have an awkward relationship for the rest of the year, or you can suck it up and be nice to each other. I would suggest the ladder, but it isn’t always possible to do. In that case my advice is just don’t be mean to one another. You don’t have to be the nicest person ever but you also don’t have to be straight mean to them.

                The perfect partner would be one that hits all the right counts, is nice to you, is friends with you, is strong for lifts, and one that respects you, but these aspects are not always attainable in one,  single person because they are just that, a person, who makes mistakes just like everyone else.

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