The one
thing all show choir directors do is get frustrated when results don’t go their
way. No I should rephrase that, when results get all screwed up. The kids in
show choir tend to get frustrated when they don’t get first but there are times
when people don’t deserve first, and that’s obvious. There are other times when
they deserve, let’s just say third, but get sixth. Now that’s just messed up. How
does that happen? Is it one judge or all of them? Chances are it’s the judging
though. So this blog is dedicated to helping you understand that.
There are
three main ways judges’ score.
One way
is by adding up total points and seeing who has the most, the person with the
most gets first place, the group with the second most gets second place and so
on and so forth. Groups get scored by vocals, dancing, band, facials, and
overall visual effect. One of the bad things about show choir is there is so
much bias either for or against a group. So if all but one judge gives this particular
group a 7 and the other judge gives them a two they are knocked down so far
because one judge didn’t like them.
way of judging is by figuring out where the group would place judge by judge
and then adding them all together and the lowest score gets first. This takes
away the bias of it and is also the most fair. But there are times when say all
the judges give a group second place so their score would be 12. Then say four
of the judges gave a different group first and then one gave them third place and
another judge gave them fifth. That’s means they would have a score of 13 which
isn’t fair at all.