Sunday, February 9, 2014

Seniors v. Fresh(400)

Everyone who has been through high school knows that there is a huge difference between seniors and freshman. Between the maturity, the looks, the stress levels, and on a different level their singing, dancing, and performing is just not on the same page as seniors.
                When I was a freshman we had a choreographer who wanted us to do sexual or sensual moves that we just could not get when we got later in the season, because when you’re a freshman you don’t know how to be sexual. Looking back on it, as a senior, I could totally do those moves, easily. And I know my comrades could too.
                One thing freshman doesn’t know how to do is their hair. It tends to either be straight when it was meant to be curly, or vise versa. Also poofs. They tend to be too big or totally flat against their heads. Seniors are generally good at doing hair, after having 4 years of practice.
                Singing, like any other sport, gets easier the older you get, and the more you practice. There are just some things that seniors can do that freshman cant. It’s not a bad thing it’s just the truth.

                Everyone who has been through high school knows that there is a huge difference between seniors and freshman. Between the maturity, the looks, the stress levels, and on a different level their singing, dancing, and performing is just not on the same page as seniors.
                When I was a freshman we had a choreographer who wanted us to do sexual or sensual moves that we just could not get when we got later in the season, because when you’re a freshman you don’t know how to be sexual. Looking back on it, as a senior, I could totally do those moves, easily. And I know my comrades could too.
                One thing freshman doesn’t know how to do is their hair. It tends to either be straight when it was meant to be curly, or vise versa. Also poofs. They tend to be too big or totally flat against their heads. Seniors are generally good at doing hair, after having 4 years of practice.
                Singing, like any other sport, gets easier the older you get, and the more you practice. There are just some things that seniors can do that freshman cant. It’s not a bad thing it’s just the truth.

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