I think my very very first blog
post was about those “oh no” moments in the general performing arts world. Well
in this blog, I will be posting about small, or rather large, mishaps that
happen in the theatrical musical world. Rips, tears, torn costumes, microphone defects,
someone forgetting a line, all of these happen sooner or later. We actors and
singers, and our directors, surely hope that they happen later, rather than
sooner. Although they could hope it happens sooner, preferably not on the week
of the show, but at the beginning of practices, when there is plenty of time to
mend, or darn that piece of clothing, or time to learn lines as well.
Now since your reading this blog I assume
that you have an interest in musicals and performing arts. Well there are some things
that just add to a theatrical performance. Like sound effects or a fog machine,
something of that nature. My school bought something called a scrim. It’s basically
a large curtain that goes in the middle of the stage when you light it from the
front you can not see to the back. It just looks pitch black, but whenever a
person or object is lit, when behind the scrim they are able to be seen, it
adds a very interesting depth to the show. Well those are very expensive. Upwards
of a thousand dollars. At the beginning of practices our technical director
even told us, do not tough the scrim. That is a no no. so everyone has been
very careful to be gentile with it. But the other day we were putting on our
first full show for an audience when my friend came up to me and said “There is
a hole in the scrim.” With a very serious look on her face. So I go and check
it out expecting something about the size of my palm. No. no that is not what I
found at all. A huge, gaping hole about a meter wide and a meter tall was staring
me back in the face. It seems that we had used a prop the techies never had
gotten to practice with. And it just happened. Well how do you deal with
something like that? The show must go on.
Ripped skirts was a personal
problem of mine. The button on my skirt fell off so it would not stay up. Well it
was right before a show so there was nothing we could do so I safety pinned the
crap out of it and well like I said, the show must go on.
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