Thursday, May 1, 2014


 Now, most people would think that the most important people in any theater show or show choir show would be the actual performers; the singers and dancers, the actors, the people you see, the people that get the spot light. Well those people would be wrong. Well they would be right because without any performers there would be no show at all, but without techies there would be no lights, or scene changes, or sound. With out techies there would be a show, but there would not be a very good show. Actually that show would be a rather large stinker.
People who work with the technological aspect of any show, affectionately nicknamed “techies,” take care of everything from sound, to lights, to scene changes in theatrical shows. In show choir shows they take care of costume changes, boxes being put on the stage, and props that need to be used.
Lights are important to any theater show, they are also important to show choir shows, but the techies don’t control them for that. A certain kind of lighting could give an actor when to say his or her line. Like at the very beginning of the show if the lights were supposed to come on but didn’t, there would be no way for the actor to know that he should start speaking. Lights in a show also help create the illusion that you are somewhere else, like the jungle, or eighteenth century London. By using a red light you create a look of pain or even hell, and with a bright white light you could create heaven.
Most actors and singers do not have a loud enough voice to be heard all the way in the back of where ever they are performing so it is helpful to have microphones. There are solo microphones for people who have solos, those are tapes to their heads or cheeks, and there are choir mics which are on the floor of the stage. Either way, techies run them. Scene changes would be nearly impossible with out techs. They are the ones that raise or lower a backdrop, or flip the wall, or move the stair case. They bring on tables, hand people their props, and help with costume changes.
Chow choir techs have a less stressful but just as active job. They don’t help with sound or lights but they do make sure that boxes, which people stand on for formations, are put on and taken off at proper times. They also control microphones for on stage, if someone doesn’t get a mic it’s not their own fault, but it is a techies. They aslo help with a chaotic costume change. Back stage costume changes are a mix of hurry and anxiety. Techs are always there to help zip up your dress or fix your collar.

Techs help with everything in a show, from a to z. Without them there would be no show. 

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